Posts in the ‘Health-Bytes’ Category

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Why waft in winter: Using essential oils for health

Without a doubt, everyone is well aware of how many bugs inhabit our air space, especially at winter time. But are practitioners and the public equally aware, or well-motivated enough, to actually use the wellness-promoting essential oils like this on sale CBDDY: delta 8 near me at their disposal to their full advantage during the Read More

Craniosacral Therapy

What is Craniosacral Therapy? Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a very gentle hands-on therapy which assists the body’s capacity for self-repair. This gentle approach does not use manipulation. The therapist listens, via the hands, to what is going on in your body, and identifies and helps to relieve pain or tension held there. You may feel Read More

oil pulling

Oil pulling: A health-enhancing practise

Oil pulling refers to swishing oil in the mouth as a cleansing procedure, and is a form of natural oral hygiene that is way more powerful than simply brushing teeth, flossing and/or gargling. It is a simple and relatively inexpensive treatment that not only effectively combats yucky bacteria lurking in the mouth, but also simultaneously Read More

The new food rules

Better science has led to clearer advice on what you should eat every day. To get more ideas we recommend you to visit websites such as 1. Don’t worry so much about protein There is no doubt that protein is essential in the diet, and is needed for repairing cells and healthy growth and Read More

Fresh insights into cholesterol

Every single cell in the body is comprised of cholesterol. It provides cell membranes with their integrity, so that they don’t fall apart. Why do we continue to think that cholesterol is bad and to be avoided, if it is necessary for life? 1. Cholesterol serves as an anti-inflammatory, by preventing the formation of pro-inflammatory Read More

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The Truth about Statins

What are statins? Statins are a group of drugs developed to lower cholesterol levels by inhibiting the production of an enzyme (HMG-CoA reductase), which results in a decrease in cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Although initially thought to be a wonder drug, they have become the subject of much debate, regarding their relevance in lowering Read More

Balanced diet

Salvestrols – new hope for cancer

Salvestrols Salvestrols are a recently-discovered class of naturally derived compounds from plants, which have shown great benefit in treating a wide variety of cancers. They are safe and effective, and have been provided by nature to protect us against cancer. Salvestrols belong to a group of phyto-nutrients called phytoalexins. The well-known Resveratrol is also a Read More

Essential oils for winter ailments

A common over-the-counter remedy is “Vicks VapoRub”, which is indicated “for temporary relief of nasal congestion and cough associated with a cold”.  The active ingredients in this product include the isolated constituents of camphor, menthol and eucalyptol, all of which can be found in particular essential oils.  Pure, whole essential oils are preferable for optimal Read More

Natural treatment options

Coughs and sneezes spread diseases (Part 2)

This article considers the natural treatment options for colds and ‘flu, specifically in the areas of Naturopathy, Homeopathy, nutrition and supplementation, and aromatic medicine. Naturopathy, herbs and spices Naturopathic and herbal medicines have been used for aeons to treat many illnesses, including symptoms like runny noses, coughs and muscle aches associated with colds and ‘flu.  Modern clinical research Read More


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