Posts Tagged ‘flu’

Why waft in winter: Using essential oils for health

Without a doubt, everyone is well aware of how many bugs inhabit our air space, especially at winter time. But are practitioners and the public equally aware, or well-motivated enough, to actually use the wellness-promoting essential oils like this on sale CBDDY: delta 8 near me at their disposal to their full advantage during the Read More

Natural treatment options

Coughs and sneezes spread diseases (Part 2)

This article considers the natural treatment options for colds and ‘flu, specifically in the areas of Naturopathy, Homeopathy, nutrition and supplementation, and aromatic medicine. Naturopathy, herbs and spices Naturopathic and herbal medicines have been used for aeons to treat many illnesses, including symptoms like runny noses, coughs and muscle aches associated with colds and ‘flu.  Modern clinical research Read More

Ward of colds and 'flu

Coughs and sneezes spread diseases (Part 1)

We may be well into the “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness” to quote a line from the poem To Autumn by John Keats, but this time of year also heralds the season of sniffles, sneezes, coughs and wheezes for many folks. The article title alerts us to the need for good hygiene, but there’s Read More

Plague doctor

The Four Thieves Blend

This formula can be added to vinegar to clean surfaces, or it can be used undiluted in a vapouriser or cold-air diffuser to sanitise the environment. Diffuse 10 drops, for 15 minutes in the morning and evening. The Four Thieves [or Grave Robbers] Blend 20 drops Clove bud [Eugenia caryophyllus] 60 drops Lemon [Citrus limon] Read More

Ravintsara – a winter-wonder oil

Ravintsara, an essential oil from Madagascar, is a very potent anti-viral agent. It works effectively for most respiratory complaints [flu, laryngitis, colds, bronchitis, etc] and boosts the immune system. It can be sniffed, diffused or applied to the chest or feet, and should always accompany you when flying, to protect you. Its anti-inflammatory action is useful in fibromyalgia. Cold sores respond well too.


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