Posts Tagged ‘antiviral’

Plague doctor

The Four Thieves Blend

This formula can be added to vinegar to clean surfaces, or it can be used undiluted in a vapouriser or cold-air diffuser to sanitise the environment. Diffuse 10 drops, for 15 minutes in the morning and evening. The Four Thieves [or Grave Robbers] Blend 20 drops Clove bud [Eugenia caryophyllus] 60 drops Lemon [Citrus limon] Read More

Ravintsara – a winter-wonder oil

Ravintsara, an essential oil from Madagascar, is a very potent anti-viral agent. It works effectively for most respiratory complaints [flu, laryngitis, colds, bronchitis, etc] and boosts the immune system. It can be sniffed, diffused or applied to the chest or feet, and should always accompany you when flying, to protect you. Its anti-inflammatory action is useful in fibromyalgia. Cold sores respond well too.


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