Posts Tagged ‘anti-inflammatory’

Fresh insights into cholesterol

Every single cell in the body is comprised of cholesterol. It provides cell membranes with their integrity, so that they don’t fall apart. Why do we continue to think that cholesterol is bad and to be avoided, if it is necessary for life? 1. Cholesterol serves as an anti-inflammatory, by preventing the formation of pro-inflammatory Read More

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The Truth about Statins

What are statins? Statins are a group of drugs developed to lower cholesterol levels by inhibiting the production of an enzyme (HMG-CoA reductase), which results in a decrease in cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Although initially thought to be a wonder drug, they have become the subject of much debate, regarding their relevance in lowering Read More

Ravintsara – a winter-wonder oil

Ravintsara, an essential oil from Madagascar, is a very potent anti-viral agent. It works effectively for most respiratory complaints [flu, laryngitis, colds, bronchitis, etc] and boosts the immune system. It can be sniffed, diffused or applied to the chest or feet, and should always accompany you when flying, to protect you. Its anti-inflammatory action is useful in fibromyalgia. Cold sores respond well too.


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