Obstacles to cure

True healing of a chronic disease requires the sufferer to take some responsibility for making some changes or improvements to his/her lifestyle.

There are many aspects of modern living which are detrimental to health, and which can often be obstacles to regaining health. Drugs and other quick fixes can only remove symptoms temporarily in chronic illness. In order to truly conquer chronic illness, the patient and the practitioner need to work together to identify potential obstacles.

If the patient is prepared to work on removing these obstacles to healing, the organs of elimination are freed up so that normal metabolic processes can start working again. This is essential before intervention with forms of energy medicine such as Homeopathy treatments can be fully effective.

Some examples of obstacles to cure:

  • smoking nicotine
  • excessive alcohol intake
  • abuse of addictive, mind altering drugs
  • certain pharmaceutical drugs
  • poor diet, e.g. excessive or insufficient consumption of certain foods and nutrients
  • excessive intake of preservatives, chemicals or other pollutants in the diet [see metabolic detox]
  • exposure to pollutants in the environment
  • mercury amalgam fillings in the teeth, and other toxic metal exposures [see chelation]
  • insufficient intake of water
  • mental pollution, i.e. excessive negative emotions or stresses
  • perceptions about health and disease e.g. cultural or societal traditions
  • lack of awareness, or rigidity about change
  • physical inactivity
  • poor time management, e.g. excessive time pressures
  • lack of regular, good quality sleep.

Some of the above obstacles may take on more importance than others, depending on the nature of the chronic disease. The best progress will be achieved by correcting or removing all the relevant obstacles. This is usually very difficult to do all at once, as habits become entrenched and changes difficult to make. A determined and positive mindset should be the first and foremost goal; if this can be achieved the other lifestyle changes become much easier. Aim to make small steps at first by making changes one at a time, at a pace with which one can cope. Soon the changes gather momentum rather like a snowball gaining speed.

Many chronic diseases will be resolved by merely addressing the obstacles. If needed, further steps towards health can be taken with the aid of a variety of therapies, such as those offered at our practice.


Greenhouse Health
9 The Mead
Cape Town
South Africa
ph: +27 (0)21 531 3545
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