Coughs and sneezes spread diseases (Part 1)

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Ward of colds and 'flu

Common winter ailments

Some of the most common winter ailments are briefly profiled below, followed by some simple, natural self-care remedies, in specific categories, that can be used to improve symptoms, ward off viruses and other nasties, and generally enhance winter wellness and health.

Colds & ‘flu

The common cold is an acute viral infection caused by one of many contagious rhinoviruses that invade the upper respiratory tract. Most people are more than familiar with the symptoms, which include sore throat, white bumps on the tonsils, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, enlarged and/or painful cervical lymph nodes, headaches and low-grade fevers [high fevers are uncommon]. The common cold has an 18- to 48-hour incubation period in the body, and usually runs its course in 4 – 10 days.

‘Flu or influenza, which also affects the upper respiratory tract, is another acute viral infection caused by the myxovirus. ‘Flu, which is more severe than a cold, has a 48-hour incubation period and symptoms are of sudden onset. These include chills, fever, headache, fatigue/malaise, muscle aches and pains, and cough. This infection also usually resolves within 7 – 10 days, but may linger longer.

It is not uncommon for bacterial infections to set in after an initial attack of cold or ‘flu weakens the immune system. In both cases, these secondary infections may take the form of earache, sinusitis and respiratory infections such as bronchitis or even pneumonia.  Seek professional treatment if you become unusually short of breath, cough up blood or large amounts of yellow or green phlegm, or have a prolonged high fever.

In general, rest, drink plenty of healthy fluids [such as filtered water, hot toddies and chicken soup with lots of cayenne pepper], and symptomatic treatment with herbs, vitamins, minerals, essential oils and a few other remedies can go a long way towards alleviating the general discomfort of these infections. Boosting immunity and using natural antiviral agents go hand in glove with the above. [see Part 2 for details]

The respiratory system

Viral sore throat
[Pharyngitis and/or tonsillitis]

A viral sore throat, specific to colds or ‘flu, occurs when cold or ‘flu viruses attack the pharynx or upper respiratory tract area. There are obviously other viruses that also cause sore throats e.g. the “mono” virus that causes infectious mononucleosis and the coxsackie virus that causes herpangina.

Note: Strep throat results from a bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes [group A Streptococcus], which requires different treatment to the majority of upper respiratory infections that are caused by viruses.

Treatment of viral pharyngitis is similar to that of the common cold and ‘flu, with the addition of analgesics to relieve pain, which can be applied in the form of gargles, throat sprays, and inhalations. Sore throats are usually self-limiting and clear up along with other cold or ‘flu symptoms. It goes without saying that active or passive smoke MUST be avoided, especially at times when the respiratory mucosa is more sensitive than usual.


A cough is a natural and necessary action the body takes to get rid of substances irritating the respiratory air passages. Irritation of special cells along the air passages trigger a chain of events that forces the air in the lungs out under great pressure to relieve the irritation. It may be a voluntary process or an involuntary one such as occurs during a cold when mucus drips down the back of the throat [post nasal drip]. Coughs can be acute or chronic, depending on the nature of the stimulus or cause.

Treatment of coughs due to winter ailments relies on agents that encourage thinning of mucous, expulsion of mucous, relieving spasms, soothing irritated airways and preventing secondary infections.


These usually occur because of congestion and/or exertion, or dehydration, which can be effectively treated with many natural substances including essential oils, water, and rest.

Immune status

Relative to colds and ‘flu, immunity can also be impaired by numerous stressors. For example, changes in temperature, inadequate or poor diet, and long-term stress all contribute to weakening the immune system. Treatment therefore hinges on modifying these behaviours and circumstances, which can be achieved fairly easily with a little effort and consciousness.

Secondary infections

Although secondary infections should not be the normal sequelae to colds and ‘flu, these obviously can, and do, develop in some compromised individuals. Should they manifest, there are natural medicine alternatives to conventional antibiotics which can be prescribed by various qualified health professionals like doctors of integrated medicine, herbalists and naturopaths. However, first prize goes to preventing these from occurring in the first place by ensuring optimal immune health.

10 lifestyle tips

  1. Wash hands after blowing your nose – this sounds trite, but germs lurk on your hands more than you may realise; and keep your hands away from your face as much as possible to minimise spreading viruses.
  2. Use tissues rather than cloth hankies; dispose of used tissues immediately after use.
  3. Keep surfaces clean e.g. kitchen, bathroom, keyboards, etc. with safe, natural antimicrobial agents. [see recipe for The Four Thieves]

    In addition to surface cleaning, it is also important to maintain your plumbing to prevent any leaks or issues that could lead to water damage or other problems. If you’re looking for reliable plumbing services, check out Sarkinen Plumbing list of services. They offer a wide range of plumbing solutions to help keep your home running smoothly.

  4. Humidify your environment if using a heating system so that the membranes of the respiratory passages don’t dry out.
  5. Diffuse essential oils via a cold-air diffuser to zap bugs in an environmentally friendly, healthy way.
  6. Wear appropriate clothing – not too cool, and not so warm that you sweat excessivley. Professor Ron Eccles of the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University believes the cooling of the nose may reduce our resistance to infection. This can easily be remedied by wearing a scarf across the nose and mouth in cold weather.
  7. Get enough quality sleep, in a well-ventilated, coolish room. Rather use extra bedding than electric blankets or heaters that dry out the air.
  8. Breathe! Try this yogic exercise daily. Stand with feet a little wider than hip-width and place each hand onto your opposite shoulder. Now, while inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, twist from side to side, aligning the breath with the movement, for 30+ breaths. This provides instant energy and mobilises the spinal fluid so that the chi can flow more freely.
  9. And most of all have some laughs, as the immune system works better when you’re happy.
  10. Remember to enjoy the changes that accompany this season, as without winter there would be no spring and summer to look forward to!

The nose knows

Simple care plan for colds & ‘flu

  1. When the first symptoms of a cold rears its head, minimise normal food intake and stick to light broth made from soup celery, parsley, thyme, origanum and lots of garlic, diluted fresh vegetable juice, fresh fruit juice [not too much sugar though], or herbal teas/tisanes with added ginger and lemon for 24 hours.
  2. Avoid milk, cheese, bread, sugar and other mucus-forming substances like chocolate and bananas. And above all – avoid smoke and smoking!
  3. Have a warm to hot Epsom salts and bicarbonate of soda bath, or footbath. If you’re feeling stuffy a few drops of essential oil of Ravintsaraand/or Eucalyptus can be added. Wrap up warmly, and go to bed with a hot toddy.
  4. Rest as much as possible. If you can have a quiet day or two in bed, do it. Otherwise try to get a few early nights. Leave off going to the gym for a few days.
  5. Infuse bug-busting and immune-enhancing essential oils in your environment using a cold-air diffuser [preferably], as heat affects the integrity of essential oil molecules.
  6. Supplements – increase your Vitamin C and A intake, and add some zinc and selenium for good measure.

In Part 2, we will take a closer look at the different natural treatment options.

For introductory self-interest seminars on the safe and effective use of essential oils for self-medication contact Dr Sandi Nye on or 021 531 3545.


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