Doctors David & Sandi Nye

Dr David Nye



South African citizen. Born on 5 August 1955.
Married 1980 to date with 2 sons born in 1982 and 1985


MB.ChB. (University of Cape Town), 1979
Dip.Hom. (C.E.D.H.), France, 1994
MFHom (U.K.), 2001


Health Professions Council of South Africa (Reg no: 0222194MP). Registered as a General Practitioner.
Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (Reg no: A5263). Registered as a Homeopath. Voluntary de-registration as an Acupuncturist January 2016.
Medical practice no: 014 000 1467913
Homeopathic practice no: 008 000 0150886


MBChB at UCT 1979.

Gynaecology, Orthopaedics and Urology at Conradie Hospital 1981-1982.

South African Medical Acupuncture Society (S.A.M.A.S.) Foundation Course in Acupuncture, 1993.

International Diploma in Therapeutic Homeopathy from Centre d’Etudes et de Documentation Homeopathiques (C.E.D.H.) Paris, 1994.

Bach Flower Essences training courses, 1994 and 1996.

Advanced Course in Acupuncture (S.A.M.A.S.), 1997.

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine and Body Alignment Technique courses.

M.F.Hom (U.K.) Diploma, February 2001.

ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support certificate) January 2003

PALS (Paediatric Advanced Life Support certificate) March 2003.

AFMCP (Applied Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice) October 2012.


Chairperson of South African Complementary Medical Association (S.A.C.M.A.) 1998-2004.

Founder member of South African Homeopathic Medical Association (S.A.H.M.A.) established in 1996.

National Secretary, then Treasurer of SAHMA 1996-1998.

Medical adviser and Lecturer, School of Holistic Aromatherapy, Observatory, 1994-2002.

Convenor of the 4th SACMA Congress in Durban, September 2001.

Co-Chairperson of SA Society of Integrative Medicine (S.A.S.I.M.), 2005.

Chairperson W. Cape Regional Committee of Homeopathic Association of SA (H.S.A.), 2005.

Cape Town Drug Counselling Centre doctor, introduced Flower Essences with recovering addicts, 1996-1998.

Chairperson of SA Society of Integrative Medicine (S.A.S.I.M.), 2017 to 2021.

Current Treasurer of SA Society of Integrative Medicine.


Several articles on Complementary and Integrative Medicine written for various publications.

Presentations on Complementary Medicine to the SACMA Congress (1998), the Metropolitan Municipal Health Workers of Cape Town, the Congress for Medical Administrators (1999), the Annual GP Congress (2000) and the National Veterinary Congress (2005).

Lecturer on Complementary Medicine to the University of Stellenbosch M Fam Med students (2000), and to the 4th year medical student class annually until 2008.

Appeared as a guest on SABCTV shows: The Dr Mol show [2012] and Doctor’s Orders [2013].


In family Integrative Medical practice in Pinelands, Cape Town.

  • +27 (0)21 531 3545
  • +27 (0)865112879

Dr Sandi Nye



South African citizen. Born 25 August 1953
Married to David Nye [1980 to date]
Two adult sons, James and Simon


In private practice, with special interest in Naturopathic and Aromatic Medicine.
[Practice No 1010000218340]

Qualified in:

Naturopathy [1989]; Ayurveda PHCA [1996]; Therapeutic Aromatherapy – TA [1984]; Therapeutic Reflexology – TR [1989]; Therapeutic Massage Therapy -TMT [1986].  Additional qualifications undertaken in a variety of adjunctive complementary and integrative health modalities [1971 to date].

Registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa [AHPCSA] in:

Naturopathy and Therapeutic Aromatherapy [Reg No A05313].

*Voluntary deregistration end of 2013 for TR & TMT, due to excessive CPD-accrual requirements for multiple professional registrations.


Author and compiler – Documentation for opening of a Professional Register and Statutory Recognition of Therapeutic Aromatherapy as an Allied Health Profession [1996], as presented to Chiropractors, Homeopaths and Allied Health Services Professions Council of South Africa [CHAHSPC]

Integrated Health Professions Liaison Committee to CHAHSP-therapeutic aromatherapy modality representative [1999-2000]

South African Parliamentary National Assembly Portfolio Committee on Health -Therapeutic Aromatherapy compiler and presenter of application for statutory registration [1998-2000]

Standards Generating Body for Integrated Health Professions member-NSB09 Health and Social Services [2004-2005]

Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa [AHPCSA] – elected councillor for Therapeutic Aromatherapy [2001-2010];

Vice chairperson AHPCSA [2001-2003];

Professional Board member AHPCSA PBARM [2002-2010];

Professional Board member Naturopathy PBHNP [2007-2015];

Education Committee member AHPCSA [2005-2006]


Academic – past and current lecturing experience – various institutions:

Principal and senior lecturer School of Holistic Aromatherapy – course design, implementation & evaluation: anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology; integrative health studies; aromatherapeutics;

Tutor: Aromatherapy training for visually disabled and socially disadvantaged students; specialised Therapeutic Aromatherapy training programme for Xhosa students Western Cape

Independent freelance tutor – health sciences – various institutions

Therapeutic Reflexology – tutor and examiner – various institutions

Dissertation supervisor & examiner – instituted integrative dissertation programme for AOASA Therapeutic Aromatherapy learners

Supervisor post graduate mentorship programmes: Aromatherapeutics

Various congress presentations; tertiary undergraduate and postgraduate presentations

General – past and current*

International Examination Board [London] – Examiner for Aromatherapy and Reflexology practical examinations
Assessors and Moderators courses, Council for Higher Education Evaluators Course
Assessor and Examiner AOASA National Qualifying Examinations; Assessor AOASA Schools
AOASA – Education Committee member; National chairperson for 5 years;

Facilitator AOASA Aroma-Care outreach programmes [ACP] – community health various hospitals
AromaForum – Senior consultant

Education Advisory Committee member [Naturopathy] for University of the Western Cape [UWC] School of Natural Medicine

AromaSA – National Exco member, Journal Co-Editor & Cape Town Branch Chairperson *

Freelance lecturer –self-interest workshops: Various integrative health, aromatherapeutic, natural product making and soapmaking *


  • Editorial Board member: International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy
  • Co-Editor AromaSA Journal
  • Expert Panel member: South African Journal of Natural Medicine [JNMSA]
  • Author: various lay and professional media publications – variety of natural health topics
  • Product formulator and consultant: Natural personal-care industry
  • Awards: selected in 2011, by the JNMSA, as one of the top 10 contributors to the natural health industry in the past decade.

Professional affiliations – current:

Honorary Life Member South African Naturopathic Association [SANA]

Honorary Life Member AromaSA [ASA]
Fellow and patron of The International Wheel of Colour [IWOC]

+27 (0)82 642 0022

  • +27 (0)21 531 3545
  • +27 (0)865112879


Greenhouse Health
9 The Mead
Cape Town
South Africa
ph: +27 (0)21 531 3545
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