Our Toxic Environment

We live in a very toxic world; we are constantly exposed to more chemical toxins than at any other time in human history.

  • The air we breathe is polluted with thousands of chemicals and heavy metals from industry and exhaust fumes.
  • The food we eat has been exposed to chemical fertilisers, pesticides, radiation, additives, improvers, preservatives, colourants etc.
  • The water we drink is either polluted or adulterated.
  • Cooking utensils, such as aluminium pots and Teflon coated pans and plastic microwave dishes, all add toxins to our food.
  • Household cleaners, laid carpets, paints, glues and solvents release many hidden pollutants.
  • Body products often contain harmful chemicals, which accumulate in the body.
  • Our work environment is filled with electro-magnetic radiation from cellphones, computers and other electronic devices.
  • Our minds are polluted with negative thoughts and emotions, which have an impact on our health and those around us.
  • In addition to all this, some choose to smoke tobacco, inhaling many more chemicals.


Many of the sources listed above contain toxic or heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, aluminium, cadmium, nickel and others. These all have a serious impact on human health and the health of other creatures in our environment. The largest sources of toxic metals come from:

[1] Industrial, exhaust and tobacco fumes contain cadmium, arsenic, lead, tin, beryllium and polonium. Lead, silver and uranium are present in the air everywhere.

[2] Dental fillings may contain mercury, platinum and palladium.

[3] Drinking water may contain aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, lead, nickel, silver and uranium.

[4] Foods are contaminated in several ways:

  • Food additives may contain aluminium and tin.
  • Fertilisers contain aluminium, cadmium, polonium and uranium.
  • Fungicides and pesticides contain mercury and tin.
  • Tea, cocoa and coffee may contain high levels of cadmium and nickel.
  • Large fish such as tuna often have high levels of mercury.
  • Cooking utensils made of aluminium should be avoided, because of the aluminium which leaches into the food.
  • Canned foods often contain aluminium, antimony and tin.

[5] Medicines such as antacids and anti-diarrhoeals contain aluminium; chemotherapeutic medicines may contain platinum.

[6] Cosmetics, paints, ceramics, batteries, electronic equipment and plastics all contain varying levels of toxic metals.


The effects on the human body are wide ranging. The most serious effect is that of directly or indirectly causing cancers. Toxic metals are carcinogenic in several ways:

– damage to DNA or genes

– depletion of protective anti-oxidants

– suppression of the immune system

– activation of oestrogen receptors.

Many metals, such as aluminium and mercury, severely attack the nerves and brain causing seizures, neuropathy, dementia, hyperactivity in kids and Alzheimer’s disease in the aged.

Any other organ system can be susceptible, especially the gastro-intestinal tract, kidneys, liver and bone marrow.

Toxicity may not be apparent for many years until debilitating nerve disorders become apparent, at which stage it may be too late.

Toxic build-up may be the reason for unexplained symptoms such as:

  • lack of energy, vertigo, headaches, numbness, pins and needles, muscle weakness, neuralgia.
  • behavioural changes, hyperactivity, learning disability, depression, insomnia, irritability.
  • hypertension, anaemia.
  • abdominal pains, loss of weight.
  • allergies, asthma, skin problems.
  • overall immune system weakness.

For information on how to rid the body of a build up of toxic metals go to Chelation.


Greenhouse Health
9 The Mead
Cape Town
South Africa
ph: +27 (0)21 531 3545
e: Email Us