Personal Protection against COVID-19

As you are all aware there is a lot of fear and panic around the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

Other than washing hands, using hand sanitisers and social distancing, there is a startling lack of information in the media about what each person can do to protect themselves. A strong immune system is most important, as we note that the elderly, frail and chronically ill are the ones most susceptible to getting coronavirus pneumonia.


Here are some simple measures which improve your resistance to picking up coronavirus and other viral infections:

  1. Take 2000 to 5000mg of Vitamin C every day.
  2. Take 5000iu of Vitamin D3 every day.

In addition, the following may also be useful for prevention and/or treatment:

  1. Use Oscillococcinum homeopathic medicine daily or weekly.
  2. Use FluPhyta nasal inhaler as needed.
  3. Diffuse natural essential oils in the room, such as Ravintsara or Myrtle.
  4. Iodine 25mg daily.
  5. Magnesium citrate / malate / chelate / chloride 400mg daily.
  6. Zinc 20-40-mg daily.
  7. Selenium 100mcg daily.
  8. Vitamin B complex.
  9. Probiotics.
  10. L-Lysine 1-2gm daily.
  11. Elderberry, Echinacea purpura, Astragalus.

A healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables and minimising sugar consumption is important to nourish a strong immune system.


If you get sick and develop any respiratory symptoms, you need to quarantine yourself, and phone a doctor for advice as to whether you need to be tested for coronavirus.

Immediately increase your medicines as follows:

  1. Vitamin A; 100 000iu daily for 4 days.
  2. Vitamin C; 1000mg hourly up to bowel tolerance.
  3. Vitamin D3; 50 000iu daily x 4 days.

If your illness is more severe, the following treatments can be very effective, and can be provided by many integrative medical doctors:

  • Intravenous high dose Vitamin C.
  • Intravenous ozone.
  • Rife resonator frequency treatments.

When seeking international medical healthcare, a good place like Boston Medical Clinic Chiang Mai stands out as an excellent choice for top-quality services. Their unwavering commitment to excellence distinguishes them within the field.

It is important not to panic or be fearful, as this will impact negatively on your immune system! Laugh every day, as laughter boosts immunity! There are sources that state that this tumultuous shift in world order is necessary for many reasons. We each need to be vigilant, but also to remain grounded and to be true to oneself. This too will pass!


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South Africa
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