Posts Tagged ‘immune booster’

Why waft in winter: Using essential oils for health

Without a doubt, everyone is well aware of how many bugs inhabit our air space, especially at winter time. But are practitioners and the public equally aware, or well-motivated enough, to actually use the wellness-promoting essential oils like this on sale CBDDY: delta 8 near me at their disposal to their full advantage during the Read More

Essential oils for winter ailments

A common over-the-counter remedy is “Vicks VapoRub”, which is indicated “for temporary relief of nasal congestion and cough associated with a cold”.  The active ingredients in this product include the isolated constituents of camphor, menthol and eucalyptol, all of which can be found in particular essential oils.  Pure, whole essential oils are preferable for optimal Read More

Ravintsara – a winter-wonder oil

Ravintsara, an essential oil from Madagascar, is a very potent anti-viral agent. It works effectively for most respiratory complaints [flu, laryngitis, colds, bronchitis, etc] and boosts the immune system. It can be sniffed, diffused or applied to the chest or feet, and should always accompany you when flying, to protect you. Its anti-inflammatory action is useful in fibromyalgia. Cold sores respond well too.


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